Monday, September 17, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Catching the wave

I took this picture of the forest up near Bellevue, Co (added the waves later) amazing up there.

So the earlier this morning I was eating a red plum & took a few bites just had to take a pic of the ♥ to share:) It's wonderful to take the time notice small details...and maybe it'll bring a smile to that lovely face yours.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Let's hit today like this :)
"Whatever you can do or dream YOU CAN, Begin it, Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."- Wolfgang/Goethe

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lets start the week right

Some days we need an extra push get ourselves on track
 Lets start the week right by
  •  Give your body good fuel- Eat Colorful, avoid processed food, & refined Sugars
  • Stay Hydrated-Make sure to being drinking plenty of H2O (1/2 your body weight in oz). "Water makes up nearly 85 percent of our brain, about 80 percent of our blood and about 70 percent of lean muscle..dehydration causes people to be less able to perform at their peak and its presence sets people up for weight gain, joint and muscle pain, fuzzy thinking, disease, and fatigue.  Dehydration can cause irritability, anxiety, depression, food cravings, and allergies. Emergency thirst signals include feeling sick upon rising in the morning, heartburn, migraines, angina, joint pain, back pain, colitis pain, fibromyalgic pain, constipation, late-onset diabetes, and hypertension." more Carry a H20 bottle everywhere you go-We love convenience -Have a glass before each meal-Go to bed with a glass on a table next you so its the first thing you have in the morning.  It will give you more energy, strengthen your immune system, & help you loose weight. 

  • Exercise-Take time to exercise 3x this week for @ least 45minutes-->put it in your schedule like an a appointment. ITS YOU TIME :)

  • Stretch that tension out-When you first wake up-little breaks @ work- before bed TAKE the TIME for some simple neck stretches this week. Also, if you're pretty active invest in a foam roller. Roll out some tension in low back &  adhesions along IT Band (side of leg). THESE DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE

  • Get a massage- Don't let so much time go by this time- when you know for a fact there're areas that need help. Sometimes we can only do so much stretching...its okay task for help that's why I'm here!  Set up a Massage session.
Seems whenever we get busy most of these good habits can be written off.
Lets zero in & get back on track
Lets find your Trinity Balance