Spring is in the air.....
Take a deep breathe in... focus on all small details in life that make you happy, and thankful....and breathe out... letting go of all problems and stresses you're carrying. Let them go...yes they're still there, acknowledge they're there, but choose to let go of the stress that comes with them and leave them outside your bubble. Breathe in....remembering the last time you smiled... and how that felt, maybe: being shown kindness from a stranger, a little kid telling you a story, a older couple still in love..and telling the story of how they found each other, watching a breath taking sunset, someone complementing you, a priceless conversation with a friend, getting real letter from a loved one, blowing bubbles in your cubicle, seeing the most perfect flower, hearing the words "I love you", someone giving you a real hug, hearing a sincere "thank you" at work, laughing for no reason, hearing a song that moves you,etc. ....soak in that same feeling...smile...Choose to be thankful for the those happy times.
Emotions are contagious, they have huge impact our health and people we surround ourselves with... be the one guilty of spreading happiness today.
Recently I got thinking of ways to live happier... we all have challenging moments of feeling down and things don't go our way, it's part of the journey in life(highs&lows). Choose to no longer accept those defeating feelings. With all the pressure we have (relationships, Health,Time, Money, Work) in this life we sometimes forget to take the time to enjoy the small beauty's and show others we care. Use your time wisely by choosing, thinking, doing things that add and multiply to our happiness in life. GET RICH in HAPPINESS by choosing to think positive and be aware of what makes life great.
Take time to write down 5 things that have made you smile and have them when you need to be reminded to smile.
Have a lovely day!!