Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pearls of Wisdom

Life is truly an endless spiral of mystery... 
Going up and down... 
Not every fish friend is going the same direction... Sometimes we have to fight the current or surf the wave... Each of us has a purpose for the direction we go... Challenges come in waves... 
Often leaving pearls of wisdom to someday pass on...
Every struggle has a purpose! 
You have the strength to pursue anything!
Believe it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pop up gallery Event!!

I'll be showing my paintings in the Gallery at 213 E. 4th Street, downtown Loveland (01-13-12 only)! Doors open at 11am and stay open till 9pm.Featuring local artists....The gallery has a broadened and informed perspective; offering diverse and rigorously curated artwork in varied media and styles ranging from traditional to experimental. Stimulating presentation and community engagement, fostering creativity and artistic excellence!! You're invited!! Feel free to invite friends and family! Hope to see you there! Tifanee Petaja